Transport swabs with media. Cary Blair for faecal samples and anaerobioc transport (Neisseria g., Vibrio c., Pasteurella p., etc.). Sterilized by radiation. Peelpack. Shaft material: wood. Tip material: cotton. p/n 300280 Deltalab

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x 600 pcs. 027-300280  Check availability Buy

Description : Wooden body and cotton head
Presentation : Peel-pack
Pack (u.) : 6x100

Swabs are sterilised by radiation. In AMIES media, the glycerophosphate is replaced by an inorganic phosphate, and the methylene blue by pharmacological charcoal. Calcium and magnesium are also added, thus maintaining the permeability of the bacterial cell. This media assures the viability of organisms such as: Streptococcus, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, etc. Expiry date: 30 months after sterilisation date.

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