OEM Products
In Scharlab we have accumulated over 70 years experience in developing new grades of solvente, reagents and laboratory chemicals. We offer you our knowledge and our manufacturing facilities to develop and manufacture products according to your requirements and your own brand.
We will establish partnership agreements (or cooperation agreements) with you, when it is strategically convenient for both parties.
For companies that require that their products have a special corporate image, we customise the labeling by adding labels or modifying the information contained therein.
Work with our private label service and benefit from:
- Wide range of products
- Close cooperation
- Expertise at your service
- Versatile production
- Customised labeling
- Time savings in development, production and quality control
- Quality guaranteed by our own laboratory
- Optimal packaging solutions
- Containers approved for dangerous goods
- Labeling complying with CLP regulation
- Savings in the purchase of materials
Your application will be evaluated by a project manager who has the support of specialists in the areas of development, production and quality control to provide the best solution.
Find custom solutions for packaging, product development, supply agreements as well as scheduled deliveries in our private label service.
Let us walk beside you.