Reattivo di Nessler

CAS: 7783-33-7
Confezionamento Codice Disponiblita Spagna Disponibilità Italia Prezzo prodotto
x 250 ml :: Glass bottle RE00500250 Disponibile  0 - contatta i ns.uffici Acquista

danger danger
danger danger

Description : Nessler Reagent
Type of packaging : glass bottle
Presentation : 1 flask with 250mL

- Density: 1,16 g/cm3
- Solub. in water: (20 ºC): miscible
- ADR: 8 CT1 II UN 2922
- IMDG: 8 II UN 2922
- IATA/ICAO: 8 II UN 2922
- GHS-signal word: Danger
- GHS-H sentences: H314 - H373 - H302 - H312 - H332 - H411
- GHS-P sentences: P260 - P303+P361+P353 - P305+P351+P338 - P310 - P405 - P501a
- Tariff number: 2852 00 00 00
- Applications: analytical chemistry, nitrogen determinations (ammonium).

suitability for determination of ammonia and amonium salts: passes test

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