New Scharlab corporate website

The most significant developments are listed below:
Online shop integrated with the corporate website
The new corporate website now shares a platform with the online shop, offering a more coordinated experience. From the corporate website our you can access the “user area” with your username and password where you can complete purchases, check the status of orders among other options.
Optimised search
The new website has a powerful search engine with filters in our private area that can be used to filter your search according to availability, brand, and the characteristics of each type of product.
New blog with technical information
A new section has been created with technical information organised into several sections containing practical advice on, for example, the preparation of culture media, recommendations for handling laboratory spills or tips to improve filtration processes, among others.
Different pages dedicated to each sector
We have designed and created pages dedicated to the main sectors which contain the most relevant products and services in each case. They can be accessed either from the blog or from the shortcuts on the home page.

New section in each article “you may also be interested in”
Articles have been complemented with the new “you may also be interested in” section with suggestions for other articles related to the one you are looking for. For articles about equipment, there are suggestions for things like accessories, spare parts and complements.
Catalogue page
We have added a “catalogue page” in each article’s technical documentation section. This function generates a downloadable PDF with all the information that has been viewed at that moment, hence it is totally up to date.
New product categories
We have created a specific page for each of the 200+ product categories in our catalogue, with a description, a photograph and the corresponding product tree for the given category.
The services section has been updated and expanded in order to reflect the services we currently offer and applicable information, as well as forms to request further details.
The applications section has been improved with a new category: the applications of Karl Fischer titrationsdepending on the matrix used.
On a technical level, the new website has greater coherence with the rest of our digital marketing and is much more flexible in terms of updating content.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our collaborators for their efforts during these months of preparation and we hope that our customers and partners find the website more dynamic and useful thanks to these improvements.