- C28H30O4
- M = 430,55 g/mol
- CAS [125-20-2]
- EINECS-No.: 204-729-7
- Solub. in water: (20 ºC): almost insoluble
- Melting point: 253 ºC
- Tariff number: 2932 20 90 90
- Applications: analytical chemistry, laboratory reagent, indicator.
identity (UV-VIS spectroscopy): passes test
appearance of solution: passes test
pH range (colourless to blue): 8,8 - 10,5
Absorption maximum l (pH 10,5): 592 - 596 nm
Absorptivity (A1%/1 cm; lmax , 0,01 g/l, pH 10,5, on dried sample): 800 - 900
loss on drying (110 ºC): max. 1,0 %