Rehydration fluid. Sterile fluid for rehydration lyophilized vials.

CAS: 7732-18-5
Packaging Reference Stock My Price
Box 10v. 06-756-006  Check availability Buy

Presentation : Reconstitution Sterile Diluent. 10 vials
Type of packaging : glass vial

By means of the freeze-drying technique we can assure a standarised quality and reliable results without any loss in performance of the selective medium. The freeze-died solids are very stable and can be easily and quickly dissolved.

Screw cap for easy and safe handling.
The standard closure offered by other manufactures, which consists of a rubber septum with an outer aluminium cap may lead to undesirable accidents. Its removal requires a tool, takes some time and may cause injuries.

We offer our vials with an outer plastic screw cap. This is a safe, fast and userfriendly alternative to open the vials.

You may directly remove the septum from the freeze-dried supplement vial or alternatively you may use a syringe, perforate the septum and transfer the solvent to the supplement vial.

Each box contains 10 vials of supplement except for some references that require special diluent, in this case the presentation is 5 vials of supplement and 5 vials of solvent.

The standard vial is enough to supplement 500ml of medium.

Shelf life and storage
Products can be stored between 2 and 25ºC. Shelf life is 3 or 4 years, depending on the product.

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