Autoclave Autester. J.P. SELECTA. Model: Autester ST DRY PV-II 25. Drying cycle: Yes. Cap. (l): 25. Temp. (ºC): 105-134. Pressure (bar): 0,21 to 2. Regulation: Microprocessor. Position: Desktop horizontal. Dim. HxWxD (cm): 48x46x55

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Versatile autoclaves. Desktop models include Class B (Autester ST DRY PV) suitable for sterilizing material in contact with blood.

intuitive, easy and direct handling equipment, with multiple virtual buttons and icons representative.
Large amount of information displayed on a single screen.
State of the process and their sequences by real-time graphical representations.
Data logging, incidents and history.
User Guide on the screen itself.

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