Puntas para pipetas repetidoras Ritips® bioclean® 2,5 ml. Estériles, libres de ATP, RNasa, DNA y pirógenos. 
Compatible con Ripette, Ripette Pro, Multipette 4780, eLine™-Dispenser, Minilab 100, Minilab 101, Minilab 201, Distriman®, Repetman®, StepMate, EasyStep, EasyStep electronic, RepeatOne®, Handrop

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Precise pipette tips for routine dispensing, available in standard version or bioclean® (sterile, pyrogen-free, ATP-free and RNase-free and DNA-free).rrRitips® compatible with: Ripette®, Ripette®pro, Ripette®genX, Multipette® 4780, Minilab 100/101, STEPMATE, EasyStep, Distriman®, HandyStep®, Multipette® plus, HandyStep® electronicrrRitips® Evolution compatible with: Ripette®, Ripette® pro, Ripette® genX, eLine™ Dispenser, Multipette® 4780, Multipette® plus, Multipette® M4 *, Minilab 100, Minilab 101, Minilab 201, Distriman®, StepMate, EasyStep, EasyStep electronic, RepeatOne®, Handrop, HandyStep®, HandyStep® S, HandyStep® electronic.r* Use of the Multipette® M4 without display.rrThe 25 and 50 ml tips include the adapter.

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