KromaPhase Column 20mm I.D. SCHARLAU. Phase: C4. Particle size (µm): 5. Porus size (Å): 100. Length (mm): 150. Ø internal (mm): 20

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Phase : C4
Particle size (µm) : 5
Pore size (Å) : 100
Length (mm) : 150
Inner diameter (mm) : 20
Pack (u.) : 1

KromaPhase is based on ultra pure spherical silica of high quality that provides high reproducibility and chemical stability using monofunctional silanes and total end-capping.
KromaSil can be perfectly substituted for KromaPhase without changing the method. To ensure lot to lot reproducibility each lot is subject to specific controls.
KromaPhase resolves the vast majority of analytical problems.

KromaPhase specifications C4:
- USP Code: L26
- Particle sizes: 5, 10 µm
- Pore size: 100 Å
- Surface Area: 300 m2/g
- pH range: 2 to 8
- Carbon Load: 8%
- Pore volume: 0.8 mL/g
- Particle size distribution (D10/D90) < 1.6

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