SC-35 Columns

Phase: 35% Phenyl / 65% Methyl Polysiloxane.
- Excellent general purpose GC column
- Intermediate polarity
- USP Classification: G27, G36, G41
- EPA Methods / Normatives: EPA 513, 528, 604, 606, 610, 613, 625, 1625, 1653, 8100, 8141A/B
Application areas: alkyl naphthalens, haloethers, phenols, chlorinated hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, pesticides, herbicides, drugs of abuse.
Suitable replacement for: DB-35, HP-35, SPB-35, SPB-608, Rtx-35, ZB-1, 007-11, BPX-35, BPX-608.

Phase: 35% Phenyl / 65% Methyl Polysiloxane.
- Excellent general purpose GC column
- Intermediate polarity
- USP Classification: G27, G36, G41
- EPA Methods / Normatives: EPA 513, 528, 604, 606, 610, 613, 625, 1625, 1653, 8100, 8141A/B
Application areas: alkyl naphthalens, haloethers, phenols, chlorinated hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, pesticides, herbicides, drugs of abuse.
Suitable replacement for: DB-35, HP-35, SPB-35, SPB-608, Rtx-35, ZB-1, 007-11, BPX-35, BPX-608.